Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sweet Kids - Lehi, UT

These were such cute, happy kids.Her Mommy wanted to get a picture of her tongue, because that is her trademark look these days. It's a cute little tongue.
And do you remember this funny boy from here? He's grown up a lot in a year, and is as cute as ever. I love how he smiles with his whole face. He was having fun playing in the tall grass, throwing rocks in the river,and hanging out with his dad. Can't you tell he adores him?And isn't she a beautiful mother?
With such sweet little girls!


lindsay said...

Those are so cute! Good job Jill!

Julie said...

Oh I love these, and this cute family! Great job Jill.

Lombardo Family said...

Goodness.....those look great!!! Can't wait to see the rest of them.